17 October 2009
Love affair
For the last three weeks or so, I have been obsessed with smoky quartz. I actually am always obsessed with smoky quartz, but I just could not stop touching it and pairing it with other stones during this time. My love affair has resulted in four new pieces - three pairs of earrings (Astrid, Nigella, and Emlyn) and one bracelet (Hillary) - and all of them have smoky quartz in some way. Here are the Emlyn earrings, which also have iolites in the design:

12 October 2009
Autumn hues
03 October 2009
Touch of pink
Eleven new items have been posted to the shop at aileen.etsy.com including two pairs of custom earrings (Ava and Sandrine) and the bracelet below. The Khairi bracelet has pink topazes, mystic pink quartzes, rose quartzes, and crystal quartzes, and it's very girly, no?

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